Monthly Archives: November 2022

Episode 15: Did the Cops Need to Given Miranda?

Miranda Warnings seem basic. They are stated loud and clear in TV shows and movies. However, the waters are getting muddy with when and how they should be provided to suspects.  Recent case law decisions out of New Jersey clarified some issues with regard to what the court will be reviewing when you are dealing with Miranda and your case. Although these cases stem from New Jersey, they do provide some ‘best practices’ to think of around the country when conducting your investigations.

Episode 14: The Toxic Employee

In this episode, J. Harris Instructors hit upon a common area that is brought up in our open discussion forums of our Command Series Courses.  The Toxic employee is a cancer to the organization. They believe they are better than others and superior to their supervisors. This episode discusses those issues and tactics to deal with them or minimize their impact on the team.