About Us

LEO Radio is a section of the J. Harris Academy of Police Training.  The group is based in New Jersey and provides law enforcement training nationwide.

At the J. Harris Academy of Police Training, our mission is to provide exceptional training to law enforcement professionals throughout the country. Our focus is on the career development of individual officers, enhancing their knowledge, skills, and abilities in leadership and supervision. Our goal is to empower so they can better serve their agencies, their communities, and most importantly, the people they lead and influence.

We are committed to delivering high-quality training programs that go beyond technical proficiency. Our comprehensive curriculum combines practical skills with ethical decision-making, cultural awareness, and community engagement. We strive to foster a holistic approach to law enforcement that promotes trust, respect, and empathy.

Through our training initiatives, we aim to equip law enforcement professionals with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate complex challenges in a rapidly changing society. We prioritize the development of critical thinking, effective communication, and problem-solving skills, enabling officers to make informed decisions that prioritize public safety and the well-being of all individuals.

Our group values collaboration, inclusivity, and diversity. We actively seek input from law enforcement agencies, community leaders, and subject matter experts to ensure our training reflects the diverse needs and perspectives of our society. By fostering a collaborative learning environment, we encourage officers to share best practices, exchange ideas, and build strong networks that transcend organizational boundaries.

We are dedicated to continuous improvement and staying abreast of emerging trends, technologies, and research in law enforcement. Our commitment to innovation allows us to develop cutting-edge training methods and stay at the forefront of industry advancements, enabling us to deliver the most effective and relevant training experiences to our participants.

We believe that investing in the professional development of law enforcement professionals has a far-reaching impact. By equipping officers with the necessary skills, knowledge, and leadership abilities, we can create a law enforcement community that upholds the highest standards of integrity, accountability, and service.

Through our unwavering dedication to excellence, collaboration, and continuous improvement, the J. Harris Academy of Police Training strives to be the premier provider of law enforcement training, shaping the future of law enforcement and ensuring safer communities for all.