Tag Archives: Harris

Episode 23: Leadership Series Part 2

PART 2 CONTINUES  on with the leadership lessons we learn through personal development.  In this episode, our instructor team continues with a review of  “Extreme Ownership”.  For more information about our Command Series of leadership courses, visit our website at www.jharristraining.com

Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win

Episode 20: State v. Maclean

This podcast examines a recent “unpublished” case out of New Jersey regarding the questioning of a suspect and Miranda. Although this is out of New Jersey, we discuss the US Supreme Court Case regarding Edwards and the “Edwards Bright Line Rule” for questioning a suspect.

  • Edwards v. Arizona, 451 U.S. 477
  • State v. McLean, 205 N.J. 438, 16 A.3d 332 (N.J. 2011)

Episode 19: Idaho K9 Search Going to US Supreme Court

An officer makes a motor vehicle stop and a drug sniffing dog arrives to assist. During the exterior sniff, the police dog indicates on the car and then puts its paws up on the vehicle. The defendant is claiming that the dog did an unlawful search of the vehicle by placing it’s paws on the car.  The Idaho Supreme Court agreed.  This may now be heading to the United States Supreme Court. This podcast explores the case and information.

Case Citation: State v. Dorff, 526 P.3d 988 (Idaho 2023)

Episode 16: Tampa Chief Controversy

A recent off-duty situation regarding a police chief stirs up controversy.  Officers being stopped are now questioning if they should or shouldn’t identify themselves.  Officers utilizing discretion when dealing with officers are second-guessing if their agency will back them up when they let an officer go for a minor violation.  This podcast will address the issue and discuss these items.


  • https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/05/us/tampa-police-chief-mary-oconnor-resigns/index.html
  • https://www.foxnews.com/us/tampa-police-chief-mary-oconnor-resigns-video-shows-lashing-badge-during-traffic-stop

Episode 15: Did the Cops Need to Given Miranda?

Miranda Warnings seem basic. They are stated loud and clear in TV shows and movies. However, the waters are getting muddy with when and how they should be provided to suspects.  Recent case law decisions out of New Jersey clarified some issues with regard to what the court will be reviewing when you are dealing with Miranda and your case. Although these cases stem from New Jersey, they do provide some ‘best practices’ to think of around the country when conducting your investigations.

Episode 13: Law Enforcement Morale

In this episode, Jim Harris and Phil Rizzo explore morale within the law enforcement profession. This topic is a hot button item in all agencies across the US and was brought up again while on the road teaching one of the J. Harris Command Series Level 1: Developing First Line Supervisors courses.