Tag Archives: J. Harris

LEO Radio #23: Extreme Ownership – The Leadership Series Part 1

Leadership is a critical aspect of success in any organization. When we recently read “Extreme Ownership”, we recognized that we are reviewing many of these common leadership concepts in our classes.  This book reinforced our thoughts and theory on the practical application of leadership in law enforcement. Based on this, we decided to start our ‘leadership series’. In Part 1, we review the first two chapters of this book and how it relates to the concepts we share with others in our classes. For more information about our Command Series of leadership courses, visit our website at www.jharristraining.com

Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win

Episode 21: State v. Sheppard & Miranda

An officer is asking routine booking questions and discovers and injury on the suspect. The question about the injury leads to incriminating statements. Will the statement hold up in court? This is so critical, especially for this case of murder/homicide.

This case is for information only as it was an interesting case involving routine booking questions.  It is not a binding case and is for guidance only.

  • https://law.justia.com/cases/new-jersey/appellate-division-unpublished/2023/a-0332-19.html

Episode 19: Idaho K9 Search Going to US Supreme Court

An officer makes a motor vehicle stop and a drug sniffing dog arrives to assist. During the exterior sniff, the police dog indicates on the car and then puts its paws up on the vehicle. The defendant is claiming that the dog did an unlawful search of the vehicle by placing it’s paws on the car.  The Idaho Supreme Court agreed.  This may now be heading to the United States Supreme Court. This podcast explores the case and information.

Case Citation: State v. Dorff, 526 P.3d 988 (Idaho 2023)