Tag Archives: Questioning a Suspect

Episode 21: State v. Sheppard & Miranda

An officer is asking routine booking questions and discovers and injury on the suspect. The question about the injury leads to incriminating statements. Will the statement hold up in court? This is so critical, especially for this case of murder/homicide.

This case is for information only as it was an interesting case involving routine booking questions.  It is not a binding case and is for guidance only.

  • https://law.justia.com/cases/new-jersey/appellate-division-unpublished/2023/a-0332-19.html

Episode 20: State v. Maclean

This podcast examines a recent “unpublished” case out of New Jersey regarding the questioning of a suspect and Miranda. Although this is out of New Jersey, we discuss the US Supreme Court Case regarding Edwards and the “Edwards Bright Line Rule” for questioning a suspect.

  • Edwards v. Arizona, 451 U.S. 477
  • State v. McLean, 205 N.J. 438, 16 A.3d 332 (N.J. 2011)